David Bunce R.I.P. 1927—2012
David Bunce passed away peacefully on 28th November, beloved husband of Jean, and a much loved father and grandfather.
He wished for his body to be received into St Thomas & St Stephen for Holy Mass to be celebrated there for the repose of his soul, and the good of his fellow parishioners; then to remain overnight in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. This will take place at 6pm Thursday December 6th 2012, with Holy Mass being celebrated.
On Friday December 7th, he will be taken to St Chad’s Catholic Church, High Holborn, Sedgley, for a Requiem Mass, followed by internment in the Bunce family grave. There will then follow a reception at a venue in Dudley. The Celebrant will be Fr J. McLeish.
We are providing transport from SsThomas & Stephen to Sedgley (and return!) leaving at 11am Friday for those unable to make their own travel arrangements, and would be grateful if you could add your names to the list in the porch if you would like to make use of this, so we have an idea of the numbers involved.
Family flowers only please, but donations, if desired, to the SVP.