9th December 2012
Wednesday Holy Mass
Because of the dark nights and cold weather, attendance at the 7pm Mass has dropped. So, with immediate effect, until the summer and light evenings, Wednesday Holy Mass will be at 09.30 am
Parish Christmas Fayre
The Christmas Fayre held last weekend was a great success raising a total of £367.33. Thank you all for your generosity and particularly those responsible for organising the event.
Christmas Church Flowers
A second collection will be held this Sunday for the flowers to decorate our church for Christmas. Please be a generous as you can.
Mass Intentions
You will notice that there are few Mass Intentions this week. Should you wish to have a Mass said for a special intention, please contact Father Lucas to arrange it.
Message from Father Lucas
Thank you for your kind and warm reception into the parish. I have been overwhelmed by cards and so forth. A special thank you to the Altar Servers who have helped me through my first week. I look forward to their continued support and assistance and to using incense at 11 o’clock Sunday Masses.